Hinkley Library
About the Project
A grant written to the Civil Liberties Public Education Fund (CLPEF) was the beginning of the Heart Mountain Digital Preservation Project. Until that time, photographs, documents, and other materials on the Heart Mountain Internment Center were kept in the Hinckley Library Preservation Room. This provided protection for the archives but little access.
A $15,000 grant from CLPEF got the Heart Mountain Digital Preservation Project off
the ground.
The HMDPP Committee hired an archivist to place the materials in order and create
a plan of action. The original website (1999) was created by members of the committee
and was redesigned in 2006 by library staff. Photos have been created from scanned
images along with a script to accompany them. The first public program occurred April
18, 1998 at Northwest College. Mike Mackey, noted historian on Japanese Internment,
showed slides and give a speech entitled, "Fear and Confusion: Attitudes in Wyoming
Toward Internment at Heart Mountain." After the program, Hinckley Library held a reception
that included a demonstration of the website, a pictorial display, and an archives
Photos from the Heart Mountian Internment Center are now available on the Hinckley
Library website and people may use them with permission from the library.