Center for Training & Development

DELTA Programs at NWC

The key to experiential learning is designing instruction that engages all of a learner's senses.

DELTA - Climbing Wall Instructor Training
April 4, 2025

DELTA - Climbing Wall Instructor Training

The PCIA Climbing Wall Instructor Course provides instructors and potential instructors with an in depth, standardized understanding of the skills essential to teaching climbing in an indoor setting. It is the first step in a sequential approach...

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Wilderness First Aid Training
April 9, 2025

Wilderness First Aid Training

Northwest College and Sunlight Sports are partnering to offer a two-day Wilderness First Aid Course. This engaging, hands-on introduction to wilderness medicine will help you prepare for unexpected situations.

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DELTA is an acronym which stands for "Dedicated to Experiential Learning Through Adventure." This program is a vehicle for delivering adventure education services to the college community and to the public.

DELTA workshops can be designed to target many themes, including team building, cooperation, communication, self-confidence, creativity, and leadership.

Northwest DELTA Program


Christi Greaham | Training & Development Program Associate | | 307-754-6062


Carri Dobbins | Senior Office Assistant for Training and Development | | 307-754-6257