
Universal Syllabus Information

(Last Updated 8/14/2024)

I. Daily Student Health Assessment

Students must assess their health daily and if sick, stay home. Contact your instructor to inform them of any absences and to discuss policies for make-up work.

II. Northwest College ADA Statement

Northwest College is dedicated to removing barriers and opening access for students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its amendments (ADAAA). It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment with Disability Support Services (DSS) to discuss any course or campus barriers that could or may prevent access to education and an equitable campus experience for students.

DSS works collaboratively with students, faculty, and staff to create an inclusive educational environment for students.  To contact DSS, call 307-754-6135. tudents can also begin the process of attaining services through their student portal.

III. Northwest College Title IX Policies

Title IX (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972) is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex or gender identity in any federally funded education program or activity.

The law states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance” (The United states Department of Justice).

Many people think of Title IX in terms of sports equality, but Title IX expands beyond sports. The Know Your IX site explains that Title IX "addresses discrimination against pregnant and parenting students and women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programs. It also addresses sexual harassment, gender-based discrimination, and sexual violence. Sexual violence includes attempted or completed rape or sexual assault, as well as sexual harassment, stalking, voyeurism, exhibitionism, verbal or physical sexuality- based threats or abuse, and intimate partner violence" (Know Your IX). You can read more about NWC’s Title IX policies at: Title IX

Mandatory Reporting Notice - It is important to note that all NWC employees (whether faculty, staff [including Resident Assistants], or administrators) are required to report incidents of sexual harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator if we become aware of these situations.

IV. Northwest College Nondiscrimination Notice

Northwest College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information or veteran status in its programs and activities. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and Institution (EOE/EOI). Student inquiries concerning disability services shall be directed to the Disability Support Services Coordinator, Student Success Center, 231 W 6th ST BLDG 4, Powell, WY 82435-1860; 307.754.6227. All other compliance inquiries shall be directed to the Compliance Officer, Orendorff Building, 231 W 6th ST BLDG 1, Powell, WY 82435-1895; 307.754.6098, or the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Building, 1244 Speer Blvd. #310, Denver, CO 80204-3582; 303.844.5695; FAX: 303.844.4303; TDD: 800.877.8339;

Reports of Sexual Misconduct may be made by any person at any time and shall be provided to:
Laura L. Gwinn, Title IX Coordinator
Northwest College
Student Center, Room 222
Powell, WY 82435

Title IX inquiries: Title IX Coordinator, Orendorff Building, W 6th ST BLDG 1, Powell, WY 82435-1898; 307.754.6100;

V. Northwest College Respect for Diversity Statement

The Northwest College community includes a rich mix of individuals who, through their distinctive viewpoints, personalities, and life experiences, contribute to an intellectually stimulating and supportive culture. Northwest College’s commitment to diversity is central to understanding and learning through the promotion of free and open inquiry and discussion.

We recognize that our success as an institution depends on an environment where all individuals are included in Northwest College’s community regardless of, but not limited to race, age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, citizenship, religious affiliation, or disability.

VI. Northwest College Course Withdrawal Procedure and Schedule

If you find that you no longer wish to remain in this class, you should officially drop or withdraw from it. Only you, the student, can initiate this process, and you are strongly encouraged to consult first with your academic advisor regarding the effect on your program of study, financial aid status, etc. In order to drop or withdraw from class, you must meet certain deadlines and follow specific procedures:

To drop: you can do this by the deadline listed below and no record will appear on your transcript. You can drop a class by logging onto Student Planner through your student portal, or your academic advisor can do it for you as well. You can also go to the Admissions Office and complete the appropriate form.

To withdraw: after the “drop” deadline, your remaining option is to “withdraw” from this course. A mark of "W" will appear on your transcript, but it will not affect your GPA.  Again, you can withdraw from a class by the deadline listed below by logging onto Student Planner through your student portal, or your academic advisor can do it for you as well. You can also go to the Registration and Records Office and complete the appropriate form.

If you merely stop logging onto this class, or cease submitting work even if you still logon, but do not officially remove yourself from class, then you will be subject to “Administrative Withdrawal” from the course, at the discretion of the instructor, up to the official “Withdrawal” deadline mentioned above. Otherwise you shall receive an “F.”

Drop/Add/Withdrawal deadlines are available on the Academic Calendar.

VII. Northwest College Statement on Academic Dishonesty

This language is adapted from the NWC Student Handbook Academic Code of Conduct – please refer to that document for more information.

Northwest College is committed to creating and maintaining an environment of academic honesty. It is the faculty’s responsibility to affirm the importance of academic integrity and to try to educate students as to standards of academic behavior. Students, too, bear the responsibility for academic integrity. Northwest College expects each student to learn and comply with academic expectations, display appropriate conduct in classroom situations, accept Northwest College’s “Student Academic Rights” and “Student Academic

Responsibilities,” and preserve academic integrity by upholding the spirit and letter of the Academic Code of Conduct. Violations of academic integrity include but are not limited to the following: plagiarism, cheating, trafficking, copyright infringement, and interfering with the learning of other students.

VIII. Northwest College Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar for the current semester can be found here: Academic Calendar

IX. Northwest College Final Exam Schedule

The Final Exam Schedule for the current semester can be found here: Finals Schedule

X. Northwest College Technology Use in Courses

For technical support with ZOOM and/or MOODLE software, please contact Instructional Technology. For hardware or general NWC network/portal support, please contact Computing Services. Contact information for both offices can be found in “XII. Northwest College Student Resources” later in this document. Northwest College courses make regular use of instructional technology, including, but not limited to, Moodle Learning Management software and the ZOOM online platform.

XI. ZOOM Etiquette and Best Practices for Students

Students may be unfamiliar with synchronous online delivery via the ZOOM online platform. To help ensure a successful experience with courses delivered in this manner, here are several best practices and etiquette tips for ZOOM classrooms. Specifically, students in ZOOM classes should:

XII. Northwest College Student Resources

Northwest College offers a multitude of resources to increase student success including:

Northwest College Bookstore
Contact: Textbook Brokers |
Location: 308 Southwest Drive, Unit B | Cheyenne, WY 82007
Phone: (307) 426-5536

Northwest College Student Success Program
Contact: Jen Cannizzaro |
Location: Orendorff 101
Phone: (307) 754-6135
Website: Student Success Program

Northwest College Tutoring Center
Contact Person: Jen Schneider |
Location: 2nd Floor of Hinkley Library
Phone: (307) 754-6137
Websites: Tutoring Services
Net Tutor Online Tutoring (free to students): Online Tutoring

Hinckley Library
Contact Person: Rebecca Voss |
Location: Hinkley Library
Phone: (307) 754-6207
Website: Hinckley Library

TRIO Student Support Services for College Success
Contact Person: Rebecca Moncur |
Location: Frisby Building 101
Phone: (307) 754-6224
Website: Trio

Academic and Career Advising
Contact Person: Susan Larsen |
Location: Orendorff Building 109
Phone: (307)754-6124
Website: Academic and Career Advising

Instructional Technology
Contact Person: Dustin Dicks |
Location: Moyer Building 110
Phone: (307) 754-6090
Website: Instructional Technology

Computing Services
Location: Moyer Building 101
Phone: 307-754-6080
Website: Computing Services