NWC News Desk

Ten semi-finalists selected for first round interviews in NWC presidential search

Posted January 28, 2008

P O W E L L, W y o. - Ten applicants for the Northwest College president's position will be interviewed Feb. 17 and 18 in Billings, Mont., as the next step in the college's search for a new leader.

Following a winnowing process similar to the one used five years ago, members of the search committee will meet and talk with a preliminary pool of finalists off campus in order to ensure confidentiality for the candidates and ease of travel.

"I think we have a good pool of candidates at this point," NWC Board of Trustees President Jim Vogt, said. "Search committee members look forward to meeting them in a few weeks."

Vogt, who chairs the committee, said the 10 semi-finalists will be traveling to Billings from primarily the Rocky Mountain and contiguous areas. One of the candidates is from Wyoming. Montana, North Dakota, and Arizona each have two representatives in the pool. The other three hail from Colorado, Minnesota and Pennsylvania.

After the interviews in Billings, the search committee will select finalists to bring to Powell so the college and Park County residents have opportunities to meet and interact with each. Those who make it to campus will be the top contenders from an initial pool of 47 applicants.

Click here for complete information about the Northwest College search for a new president.