NWC News Desk

Team-building training offered Saturday, Oct. 27, at Northwest College

Posted October 17, 2007

P O W E L L, W y o. - A leadership and team-building facilitator training scheduled Saturday, Oct. 27, at Northwest College can be used to help transform groups of individuals into cooperative teams in school, church, youth and community organizations.

Keith McCallister, an instructor of health, outdoor, and physical education at Northwest, and Renee Humphries, a DELTA facilitator, will lead the 9 a.m.-4 p.m. training in Cabre Gym if a minimum of 10 participants are enrolled. The registration deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 23.

McCallister, who directs the college's DELTA Program (Dedicated to Experiential Learning Through Adventure), said individuals who complete the Saturday DELTA training will be qualified to begin facilitating leadership and team-building sessions using one of the college's low ropes courses. The training is open to anyone with an interest.

NWC's DELTA low ropes challenge course has been utilized for leadership and team-building activities by most public schools in the Big Horn Basin, plus numerous churches, youth groups and community organizations. Each activity session must be directed by a certified facilitator. Organizations that already have certified DELTA facilitators can save between $100-$200 per facilitator, depending on the length of the challenge program. The $50 cost to take the facilitator training course can pay for itself in just one afternoon of facilitating.

McCallister said becoming a DELTA facilitator is a nice way to earn extra cash, but more importantly, it's a "way to feel good about helping increase the growth and leadership potential of our younger generations, as well as other parts of a community."

The DELTA facilitator training workshop costs $50 per person and includes lunch, the DELTA training manual and DELTA Challenge Course Manual. The DELTA High Challenge Course is not addressed by this workshop.

For more information or to register, e-mail Keith McCallister or call toll-free at (800) 560-4692, ext. 6115 or (307) 754-6115.