POWELL, Wyo. - The Northwest College Board of Trustees will hold its monthly meeting Monday, Aug. 16, in the Meeteetse School Cafeteria. The meeting begins at 3 p.m. with an executive session and will open to the public at 4 p.m.
The public is invited to make comments at a Citizens' Open Forum at 5 p.m.
The Northwest College Board of Trustees travels once a year to Meeteetse to get better acquainted with the southern end of the college district and to give area residents a chance to inform their elected officials of Meeteetse-related issues.
In addition to Jim Sessions of Meeteetse, other NWC Board members are Marty Coe, John Housel and Mark Westerhold of Cody; and Carolyn Danko, Gloria Hedderman and Jim Vogt of Powell.