NWC News Desk

Harriet Bloom-Wilson to serve on international education committee

Posted December 10, 2008

P O W E L L,  W y o. - Northwest College's success with international recruiting and education has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the country - Harriet Bloom-Wilson, a primary player in NWC's international efforts, has been asked to serve on the membership committee of the Association of International Educators (NAFSA).

Bloom-Wilson, an assistant professor of French and director of NWC international academic programs, will serve a two-year appointment on the committee, bringing to it the perspective of community colleges.

NAFSA is a member organization promoting international education and providing professional development opportunities to the field. Hundreds of NAFSA members volunteer to serve the association and thousands advocate for international education. NAFSA annual conferences regularly attract over 7,000 participants from all over the world. 

Bloom-Wilson's efforts to broaden international education transcend the ordinary classroom at Northwest College. She had a founding role and continues to participate in the college's annual Multicultural Events Series and has involved more than a few community folk in international education through her field studies classes in France.