This procedure is designed to provide the opportunity for students to resolve complaints within the college by outlining steps to follow. Students are encouraged to make every effort to resolve problems on an informal basis. The college will make every effort to insure that problems are fully explored while the privacy of the individuals involved is respected.
If students involved need clarification of the process, they are encouraged to seek guidance from the NWC Grievance Officer, the Vice President for Student Services or the Residence and Campus Life Director. After notifying concerned parties in writing, extensions to any time line may be made by the appropriate administrator reviewing the complaint. If the problems or difficulties cannot be resolved through the Informal Non-Academic Student Complaint Procedure, the student may use the Formal Non-Academic Student Complaint Procedure which will end with a decision made by the appropriate Vice President if it is not resolved at a lower level.
“Working days” — any day, Monday through Friday, the college campus is open and classes are is session.
“Complainant” — the student with the complaint.
“Respondent” — the person against whom the complaint is made.