Northwest College

Policies and Procedures

Alcohol & Drug Policies

Northwest College has a responsibility of maintaining an educational environment conducive to academic achievement and of assisting students to be successful. The use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs can interfere with students’ educational goals and have led to academic and social failure among some Northwest students. This phenomena is not unique to Northwest. It is a nationwide problem that affects all colleges and universities. Northwest is therefore committed to facilitating a drug-free learning environment. The college will adhere to an agenda featuring ongoing alcohol and drug educational programs designated to educate students on alcohol and drug related issues and healthy alternatives. College sponsored student activities will never involve alcohol or drugs on or off campus. Students are responsible for complying with provisions of Wyoming law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as controlled substances. Any student who violates that law is subject to prosecution and punishment by the civil authorities and to disciplinary action by the college.
