ASNWC Constitution / By-Laws
Article VIII - Finances
Section A. Source
Activities of the ASNWC will be financed by an individual student fee at an amount decided annually by the NWC Board of Trustees based on the entire college budget.
Section B. Distribution
- Funds are offered in grants. The Student Senate will establish and maintain a distribution formula for the equitable base-line allocation of Senate funds to clubs, organizations and individuals. Itemized requests for budget appropriations will be presented to the Senate for approval by each requesting party. To be accepted, each request will follow the formula and guidelines set up by the Senate and must be presented to the Senate, typed, on an official request form at a regular meeting. Senate must wait at least one week after receiving each funding request to put the subject to vote. Hand written and/or inaccurate requests will not be accepted. At the end of each semester, those who are funded by the Senate must submit a report showing their itemized finances.
- The Senate requires each club and organization receiving funds to complete a community service project each semester in which funds are awarded and then report back to the Senate about the project.
- ASNWC clubs and organizations must perform all transactions via the NWC Business Office once finances are transferred to their accounts. They must also agree to abide by ASNWC expenditure guidelines, which may be found on Senate Funding Request Forms.
- All unused funding that was, in the past, provided to clubs or organizations that have been inactive for a period of two (2) years will be credited to the Senate account.
- The Senate reserves the right to withhold funding on any and all finances deemed inappropriate.