Northwest College

ASNWC Constitution / By-Laws

Article IV - Election Process

Section A. Spring Elections

The five (5) Executive Officers and three (3) Sophomore Representatives will be elected annually. This may be done no sooner than March 15 and no later than April 19 during each spring semester.

Section B. Fall Elections

The three (3) Freshman Representatives, two (2) Non-Traditional Age Representatives and one (1) International Representative will be elected annually no later than four (4) weeks after the first day of classes of the fall semester.

Section C. Application and Notification

Eligible students wishing to run for Executive Office or General Representative Positions are required to complete and submit an application. Information regarding election booth location(s) and voting times must be posted publicly at least two (2) weeks prior to each election. Information regarding Application pick-up/drop-off location(s) and times must also be posted publicly at least two (2) weeks prior to each election. If there are more than two (2) candidates for any Executive Office, primary elections will be held one week prior to each general election.

Section D. Write-In Candidates

Any ASNWC member who receives enough write-in votes from their peers to become a Student Senate Representative may assume their role on the Senate so long as they follow all guidelines described in ARTICLE III, Section B.

Section E. Minimum Votes Required

To become a member of the Senate, an ASNWC Member must receive not less than 20 votes during an election. Senate Elections will be executed by using either of the following methods:

  1. Secret printed Australian ballots—If such ballots are used, each ASNWC voter will need to present their current student identification card to election officials at a voting booth so that validity may be verified. Once this is done, election officials must mark the voter’s name on their list of ASNWC members. Such precautions must be taken during elections to ensure each ASNWC member is only allowed one vote. On each Election Day at least one Senate supervised election booth should be open from 8am-5pm with no fewer than two (2) current Senate members who are not running for re-election managing each booth until closing time.
  2. Online Voting—The ASNWC Student Senate reserves the right to develop an online voting procedure.