Posted: July 2, 2020
Good morning everyone,
Hope everyone’s summer is going well. It is hard to believe it is already July. Following are the latest updates for you. Please bring your questions to the all-employee briefing today at 11 a.m.
July 6 “Soft Opening”
As we continue to take steps toward safely opening campus, our “soft reopening” date will be Monday, July 6, after the holiday weekend. Please note that only the Orendorff Building will be open, and all other buildings on campus will remain locked throughout the remainder of the summer. Though the Orendorff Building will be open to the public, a staffing rotation pattern will be put into place in order to mitigate the potential spread of COVID-19. Please keep the following in mind:
Please note that our July 6 soft opening is not the same as our fall 2020 opening. The NWC Incident Command System (ICS) Team is continuing their work on the planning and logistics around re-opening campus in phases, with contingencies for potential re-closings, if directed by county health officials, the state of Wyoming or the U.S. federal government.
The Board of Trustees will review that plan for approval at their meeting on Monday, July 6. Once it has been prepared for dissemination, I will share that plan for fall 2020 with everyone, and we will begin implementation. The plan that is currently in the process of being finalized is contingent on funding we receive through the CARES Act.
Personal Protective Equipment
Northwest College employees and students will be required to wear face coverings while on the NWC campus. This requirement is in place beginning Monday, July 6, and also is part of the college’s plan for the fall semester.
The following is an overview of the precautions we plan to take to mitigate the spread of COVID-19:
Looking forward to seeing you at our 11:00 all employee briefing via zoom today.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.
Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D.